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Brian Wong

Brian Wong

Brian Wong is an assistant professor in philosophy at the University of Hong Kong.

Brian Wong is an assistant professor in philosophy at the University of Hong Kong, an associate fellow at the Oxford Global Society, and a Rhodes Scholar who completed their DPhil in politics at Balliol College, University of Oxford.

Posts by Brian Wong
August 30, 2023

Why Thailand Should Mediate the Crisis in Myanmar

By Brian Wong and Tidarat Yingcharoen
The case for proactive, multilateral, pro-peace diplomacy.

May 09, 2023

Can China Broker Peace in Sudan?

By Matai Muon and Brian Wong
Beijing could hold the key to any future peace in Sudan, but this projection must be buttressed with realism.
April 16, 2023

China’s New Approach to Europe

By Brian Wong
Beijing’s effusive reception of French President Macron reveals the underpinnings of its Europe strategy.

January 17, 2023

Interpreting China’s Diplomatic Shifts

By Brian Wong
While Beijing is jettisoning some of the most pugnacious elements in its prior diplomacy, it has not undertaken a fundamental pivot.

December 16, 2022

Decoding China’s COVID-19 Policy U-Turn

By Brian Wong
Current discussions often highlight the role of the vocal protests in late November in shifting China's COVID zero policy. But the shift had already begun in early November. 

November 15, 2022

Biden-Xi Summit Shows an Uneasy Peace Emerging Between China and the US

By Brian Wong
What factors are behind the reframing of the relationship, and will it last?
September 15, 2022

What Does Xi Jinping’s Visit Tell Us About China’s Relationship with Central Asia?

By Brian Wong and Iskander Akylbayev
While the meeting with Putin stole headlines, Xi’s trips to Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan are about far more than Russia.

July 15, 2022

The Deep Roots of Sri Lanka’s Economic Crisis

By Talal Rafi and Brian Wong
The economic crisis was made at home, a result of structural political and economic weaknesses. Any solutions have to start there.

June 19, 2022

The Complex Nationalism of China’s Gen-Z

By Brian Wong
China’s youngest generation is often associated with hyper-nationalism. That oversimplifies their complex, individualized relationships with their country.

May 17, 2022

Understanding the Extent (and Limits) of Chinese Public Support for Russia

By Brian Wong
The Chinese public is overwhelmingly on Russia's side amid the invasion of Ukraine, but there is little appetite for China to play an active role.

April 12, 2022

China’s Vision for Relations With Europe Is Slipping Out of Reach

By Brian Wong and Wang Yingliang
Beijing's ideal vision for China-EU relations urgently needs an update to grapple with recent developments – starting with the Ukraine war.
March 14, 2022

With Yoon’s Election, It’s Time for China to Rethink Its Korea Policy

By Brian Wong and Wang Yingliang
The victory of the more hawkish, China-skeptical candidate means China must rethink its approach to the Korean Peninsula.

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