
Biden-Xi summit

Engagement Lite: The Logic of Biden’s Diplomacy With China

Engagement Lite: The Logic of Biden’s Diplomacy With China

By Nathaniel Sher and Andrew Weaver
The Biden administration’s approach should not be confused with a return to “strategic engagement” – combining high-level diplomacy with economic integration.

US National Security Advisor, China’s Top Foreign Policy Official Met in Thailand

US National Security Advisor, China’s Top Foreign Policy Official Met in Thailand

By Shannon Tiezzi
Jake Sullivan and Wang Yi met to discuss further implementation of the promises made during the Biden-Xi summit.
China Won’t Invade Taiwan – For Now

China Won’t Invade Taiwan – For Now

By Philip Hou
China is turning inwards, the U.S. is building deterrence, and Taiwan is committed to maintaining the status quo – all these factors will help keep the peace.

Bridging the Narrative Gap in China-US Relations

Bridging the Narrative Gap in China-US Relations

By Vu Le Thai Hoang and Ngo Di Lan
States regularly tell stories about themselves and how the world works. Chinese and American narratives – including about the Biden-Xi summit – remain at odds. 

Can Xi Jinping Achieve His Ambitions After the Biden-Xi Summit?

Can Xi Jinping Achieve His Ambitions After the Biden-Xi Summit?

By Jianli Yang
Xi’s transformation from “wolf warrior” to “panda” was more about what came after the summit: a major gathering with American CEOs.

China-US Relations After the Biden-Xi Summit: Beyond Stabilization

China-US Relations After the Biden-Xi Summit: Beyond Stabilization

By David Skidmore
We have staunched the bleeding in China-U.S. relations. Now can the patient be revived?

What Do US Indo-Pacific Allies Think of the Biden-Xi Summit?

What Do US Indo-Pacific Allies Think of the Biden-Xi Summit?

By Shannon Tiezzi
Views from Australia, Japan, the Philippines, South Korea, and Taiwan.
Biden, Xi Hit the Reset Button on China-US Relations. Can It Last?

Biden, Xi Hit the Reset Button on China-US Relations. Can It Last?

By Shannon Tiezzi
The biggest outcome from the meeting was a promise to keep talking on a whole host of issues. But that achievement shouldn't be underestimated.

Biden’s Goal for Xi Meeting: Get China-US Communications Back to Normal

Biden’s Goal for Xi Meeting: Get China-US Communications Back to Normal

By Aamer Madhani and Colleen Long
“We’re not trying to decouple from China,” the U.S. president insisted, “but what we’re trying to do is change the relationship for the better.”

Biden, Xi, and ‘Responsible Management’ of Atrocity Crimes

Biden, Xi, and ‘Responsible Management’ of Atrocity Crimes

By Sophie Richardson
The U.S. should not give up on holding China to account for its human rights violations in the name of diplomatic progress.

The APEC Summit Is Happening in San Francisco. What Is APEC, Anyway?

The APEC Summit Is Happening in San Francisco. What Is APEC, Anyway?

By Colleen Long and Aamer Madhani
An introduction to the 21-member grouping and the main events to watch at this year's summit.
Can the Biden-Xi Summit Chart the Course to a Stabilized China-US Economic Relationship?

Can the Biden-Xi Summit Chart the Course to a Stabilized China-US Economic Relationship?

By Bai Peng
The differing interpretations of de-risking by China and the United States highlight the profound unease with which they view the current state and trajectory of their economic relations.

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